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HP Smart Array P822 SAS RAID Controller 6Gb 643379-001

Úvod Řadiče SAS/SATA SAS/SATA III (6Gb/s)HP Smart Array P822 SAS RAID Controller 6Gb 643379-001

HP Smart Array P822 SAS RAID Controller 6Gb 643379-001

Zboží je bazarové - otestované 100% funkční

Výrobce: Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)
Kód: 643379-001
Dostupnost: Prodáno
Počet ks: 0 ks
8 590,- Kč3 690,- Kč

HP Smart Array P822 SAS RAID Controller 6Gb 643379-001

HP Smart Array P822 SAS RAID Controller 6Gb 643379-001

bez cache modulu.

Odkaz na specifikace výrobce.



HPE Smart Array P822 is HPE's 24 port Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) RAID controller with PCI-e. This high performance SAS RAID controller provides high levels of reliability for HP servers through its support of 6 Gb/s SAS and 6 Gb/s SATA technology, 2GB FBWC, and advanced RAID capabilities. This controller ships standard with a Smart Array Advanced Pack license key and supports up to 227 hard drives.



Product features

Storage interface(SAS/SATA)
  • PCI-e 3.0 (8 GT/s)

  • Eight lane mechanical connector

  • Electrically supports one, four, and eight lanes

Host interface (PCI-e)
P822 includes a PMC-Sierra SRCv 8x6G SAS RAID-on-chip featuring:
  • Eight SAS/SATA physical links, each supporting 6, 3, and 1.5 Gb/s for SAS protocol and 6 and 3 Gb/s for SATA protocol

  • Eight PCI-e 3.0 lanes each supporting 5 Gb/s

  • DDR3-1333 memory controller

  • High performance MIPS-based multi-processor subsystem

  • Hardware XOR and Reed-Solomon Engines for RAID 5 and RAID 6 acceleration

RAID Processor and expander
The P822 2GB array accelerator features a flash-backed write cache
Number of drives supported
227 drives
RAID Levels
RAID 0, 1, 1+0, 5, 6, 50, and 60
Interface speeds
P822 supports the latest interface speed:
Maximum Bandwidth
8 GB/s (in each direction)
PCI-e 3.0 (8 lanes at 1 GT/s)
14.4 GB/s (in each direction)
SAS-2 (24 physical links at 6 Gb/s)
RAID cache
2 GB/s
DDR3-1600 MHz SDRAM (64-bit data and 8-bit ECC)
Online management features
  • Online capacity expansion (increase array size feature)

  • Advanced capacity expansion (shrink array and move array features)

  • Online RAID Level migration (change the fault tolerance level of a configured logical drive)

  • Online stripe size migration (change the stripe size of a configured logical drive)

  • User selectable stripe size

  • User selectable read and write cache sizes

  • Logical drive extension (increase logical drive size without disturbing data)

Provides increased server uptime by providing advanced storage functionality:
  • Online RAID Level migration (between any RAID level)

  • Online capacity expansion

  • Logical drive capacity extension

  • Global online spare

  • Pre-Failure warranty

Fault recovery
Minimizes downtime, reconstructs data, and facilitates a quick recovery from drive failure
Dual domain support
HP drives are specifically designed and tested for flawless operation in HP equipment. The integration of solid state drives in HP systems means that associated components are right for the ProLiant server.
Ease of use
Consistency and Upgradeability make the Smart Array family unique in the industry:
  • GUI based configuration, management and diagnostic software tools

  • Common data format between generations of products

  • Data migration between servers and external Modular Smart Array enclosures


Software overview

Operating systems
  • Microsoft Windows Server

  • Microsoft Windows Server Hyper-V

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)

  • VMware

Software suite
  • HPE Systems Insight Manager (SIM)

  • HPE Array Configuration Utility (ACU)


  • HPE Option ROM Configuration for Arrays (ORCA)

  • HPE Array Diagnostic Utility (ADU)

  • HPE Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service (CISSESRV)


Link to driver, firmware, software and manuals

Raid Level: 0, 1, 1+0, 5, 6, 50, and 60
Cache: Bez modulu 2GB
Celkový počet portu: 24
Počet internich portu: 8
Počet externich portu: 16
Typ konektoru: SFF-8087 interní + SFF-8088 externí
Připojeni k PC: PCI-Express 3.0 x8 lane
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